My Saunterings on Kabuki (Japanese theater) show that the Catholic Church isn’t alone in using the arts - paintings, sculptures, and Passion plays - to propagandize. Read the following World War II directive from the Japanese Bureau of Information’s Executive Office to Kabuki theater workers, urging them to get with the propaganda effort:
Today, the foremost objective for theater arts must be to encourage men to sweat diligently to fulfil industrial production that will increase military strength. In addition, dramatic content must be suitably artistic and enjoyable. However, in current theater we see that war content is treated superficially and awkwardly. Because theater is for an audience of idlers, the required connections to the war situation are bogus and underhanded. Performances for a leisure class and plays that merely drag in references to the war will not do. (Quoted from page 257 of Kabuki’s Forgotten War: 1931 - 1945, by James R. Bradon. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 2009.)
For information on Kabuki, click here.