Settings are everything. A great thing in its natural setting is a poor thing in an unnatural setting. Hang a Monet and a Cézanne on a wire fence at a NASCAR race. . . . See a lion penned in a zoo. . . . Hike in wilderness with gunfire cruelty in the distance. . . . -- Experience wonderful things out of their natural settings, and no longer are they wonderful. Portia tells Nerissa in The Merchant of Venice:
The crow doth sing as sweetly as the lark
When neither is attended, and I think
The nightingale if she should sing by day,
When every goose is cackling, would be thought
No better a musician than the wren.
How many things by season seasoned are
To their right praise and true perfection!
(Quoted from page 227 of Flyaway: How a Wild Bird Rehabber Sought Adventure and Found Her Wings, by Suzie Gilbert. Harper Perennial, 2010.)
For a brief biography of Suzie Gilbert, click here.