With a snail parable, John Barth reveals living one’s life:
“My project,” he told us, “is to learn where to go by discovering where I am by reviewing where I’ve been – where we’ve all been. There’s a kind of snail in the Maryland marshes – perhaps I invented him – that makes his shell as he goes along out of whatever he comes across, cementing it with his own juices, and at the same time makes his path instinctively toward the best available material for his shell; he carries his history on his back, living in it, adding new and larger spirals to it from the present as it grows.”
(Quoted from page 10 of Chimera, by John Barth. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2001.)
For a brief biography of John Barth, click here. For images of or relating to John Barth, click here.