We write this from the Cache Valley of northern Utah, once pristine, now polluted, overpopulated, its people a confirmation of H. M. Tomlinson’s observation a century ago:
Of all the infernal uses to which a country can be put there is none like development. Let every good savage make incantation against it, or, if to some extent he has been developed, cross himself against the fructification of the evil. As for us whites, we are eternally damned, for we cannot escape the consequences of our past cleverness. The Devil has us on a complexity of strings, and some day will pull the whole lot tight.
(Quoted from page 336 of The Life of the Creative Spirit, by H. Charles Romesburg. Xlibris, 2001.)
For a brief biography of H. M. Tomlinson, click here. For images of or relating to H. M. Tomlinson, click here.