While in college, Anne Morrow wrote this in her diary:
It seems to me-–a simple enough thought-–but just realized that if you really and sincerely and passionately want to do something (and wholeheartedly, with the whole of your sincerest self) it is by doing that that you will be most useful, will be giving the most, will be of most individual value. I am sure Colonel Lindbergh never fussed or gave a thought to where he would be most useful or where he could give the most. He just went ahead and did what he wanted terribly to do-–what the whole of him wanted sincerely and in a selfless kind of passion to do.
(Quoted from page 196 of The Life of the Creative Spirit, by H. Charles Romesburg. Xlibris, 2001.)
For a brief biography of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, click here. For images of or relating to Anne Morrow Lindbergh, click here.